How Linear Encoders Can Help Improve Precision Machining Tools

Tools for precision machining have improved immensely through the use of linear encoders. This is a sensor, readhead, or transducer that works with a scale. Linear encoders can determine positioning. HOW ENCODERS WORK A magnetic linear encoder works by reading the scale connected to it. Then it converts the position to a digital signal. A digital readout can then decode it into a position. Precision machine tools such as digital calipers can use these tools. Coordinate measuring machines also use these calipers. There are many different physical properties that can encode the position. These include inductive, optical, capacitive, and magnetic. TYPES OF ENCODERS The most popular type of encoder is the optical linear encoder. Precision machining tools especially use these encoders. A typical optical linear encoder has a scale that can vary from just a few microns to hundreds of them. This is a very accurate and precise type of scale. This is why it is one of the most commo...